Monday, August 25, 2008

Random thoughts from a helluva trip

My sister and I covered 2470 miles on our journey throughout the Midwest. We trekked through three museums in ONE day (Shedd Aquarium, Field Museum, Adler Planetarium and Art Institute of Chicago). We walked countless miles through the Windy City and ate the world's finest Chicago-style deep dish pizza near the Sears Tower at Giardanos. We saw the Cubbies and Yo-Yo Ma in one day.

Here are some more random thoughts from our journey:

  1. No matter where you are in the country, somewhere, a .38 Special song is playing. Trust me, I know this through experience. Our ipod cable was cut and we had to rely on the radio. Every time we turned on a station it seemed, there was that band from Jacksonville. Who the hell likes .38 Special? What made them part of the classic rock format and its same 150-song boring format? Was there an a great wailing of teeth for "Hold on Loosely?"
  2. St. Louis really must like Huey Lewis and the News. Every station it seemed during rush hour played one of their songs.
  3. Chicago is the bluest of blue states, as judged by the Greenpeace folks and all of the freaking Obama stickers. I even saw a poor child with a t-shirt that said "My mama is for Obama." Gimme a friggin' break!
  4. Speaking of our friend Obama, what a stinker of a choice for his V.P. Joe Biden is a tempermental, ultra-liberal senator who has a penchant for plagiarism. And blowing his top. Guess his flattery got him somewhere!
  5. The lardification of America is stunning to behold. I'm now starting to realize that much of America is too fat and out of shape to fight a great war or any war for that matter. When eating said deep dish pizza (which we walked off a few minutes later), I saw a group of four folks whose combined weight was near a ton. Folks, you're the last people needing to be dining on this horrifically fatty fare! Everywhere I look, I see so many folks grossly overweight. Stop eating all of this junk! Walk rather than ride in your flabby, gas-guzzling SUV. Do something active, anything!
  6. The Air Force Museum is worth a trip unto itself. Going there was like going to Disneyland for me, anyway. To look into the gigantic bomb bays of the world's largest ever bomber, the B-36 (only four are still around) was an experience I'll never forget. I must go back!
  7. I hate the Cubs. I really, really do. I hate their obnoxious, drunk frat boy fans. But the worst is hearing "Go Cubs Go" after every win. God, that song sucks! Long live the Goat!

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