Thursday, September 11, 2008

Must read from John Stossel about Obama's "green jobs" horsepuckey

As many of you know, I love John Stossel. Not only does he rock the 'stache, he is the only Libertarian on TV. Check out his column on Barry's constant claims about creating "green jobs."

Politicians always promise that their programs will create jobs. It's used to justify building palatial sports stadiums for wealthy team owners. Alaska Rep. Don Young claimed the infamous "bridge to nowhere" would create jobs (

The fallacy is the same in every case: Even if the program creates jobs building bridges or windmills, it necessarily prevents other jobs from being created. This is because government spending merely diverts money from private projects to government projects.
Pure, unadulterated brilliance. Another excerpt is something that I've thought for a long, long time.

One reason decentralized markets are preferable to government central planning is that human beings are fallible. Mistakes are inevitable. Some investments will be errors. Mistakes in the market tend to be on a comparatively small scale. If one company invests in plug-in hybrids and it goes bust, only a relatively few people suffer. The assets of the bankrupt firm pass into more capable hands.

But decisions by government, especially the federal government, affect all of us. When government makes a mistake, the bureaucracy can't go bankrupt. Instead, it will use its failure to justify increased appropriations in the next budget.

That about covers the difference between government control (socialism) and market control (free markets). Nicely done.

The reaction to Palin shows her importance

The Looney Left is going out of their gourds trying to pile dirt on Sarah Palin, McCain's inspired choice for V.P.
When they bring out the heavy artillery, you can smell their fear of a strong woman, a standard bearer for the Rest of Us, not those elites of San Francisco, Seattle and NYC.

They're running scared. Just ask 'em! The Palin bounce has got them shaking in their Birkenstocks.

“My concern is that I see them as totally reactive right now as opposed to getting out there on their own and saying what the hell they are about,” said Leon Panetta, a former chief of staff to Bill Clinton who has advised Mr. Obama. “They seem to be intimidated by the Palin pick. They seem to be intimidated by how the Republicans are coming at them on change. And you cannot win if you are constantly on defense.”

Mr. Panetta added, “As president of the United States you are going to have to learn how to deal with people you may not particularly like, because if you are trying to get things done, you have got to use everything and everybody that you can to get it done. I do think that they absolutely in this race have got to make use of the Clintons in every possible way, because they need them. He has clearly got some problems out there.”

Read the rest here.

Anybody that the Left is that afraid of is definitely good for America. No doubt about it. Reminds me of the vitriol for another great American, Ronaldus Maximus.

Palin Power!

Never forget

I remember the first day that I arrived in NYC to my post on the CGC Dallas on Governor's Island, where the towers commanded the Manhattan skyline. Walk around the island and you got a great view of Lady Liberty herself.

Then, fast forward, to 9-11-01. I was in my first year at the University of Alabama. I woke up that day, as any other, turned on the TV and saw this:

I was horrified beyond the ability to react. And in that moment, without a doubt, I knew this was NO accident. It was an act of terrorism.

And then the skies, where one could see a jetliner streaking across the contrail belt at any given second, were silent for days afterward.

I still haven't forgotten that day or the dread I felt. I still remember that extremists plotted and are still plotting against us. Don't forgot. Don't take a dip in the River Lethe as our friends on the left have done. Don't forget those lives lost that day. Don't forgot the bravery of Flight 93's passengers who took the first steps in a long war that will be going on long after most of us leave the world.

Don't forget.