Sunday, April 27, 2008

Wonder if they have the BALLS to do it

I guess our politicians have nothing else better to do. Never mind the fact Social Security is about to be bankrupt. Never mind that we have terrorists aiming to pop off nukes in Washington. Never mind the fact that we aren't drilling everywhere for oil when pump gas is about to $5 a gallon.

They're proudly displayed by any self-respecting bull, but dangling big metal ones on the back end of a truck could be banned in Florida.

Metal replicas of bull testicles have become trendy bumper ornaments in some parts of the Sunshine State, but state Sen. Carey Baker is campaigning to ban the orbs.

Baker acknowledged that Florida lawmakers have more pressing issues, including huge revenue shortfalls, but said the state needs to draw a line on what's obscene before more objectionable adornments appear.

State Sen. Steve Geller argued against Baker's bill.

"I find it shocking that we should be telling people that have the metallic bull testicles ... you're now going to have points on your license for this," said Geller.

Geller was in the minority. Baker's bill to fine drivers $60 for displaying the ornaments passed the Senate. It's now up to the House, but there's only a slim chance that members of that chamber would pass the measure before the session ends this coming Friday.

If it were to be passed, Gov. Charlie Crist has not indicated whether he would sign it, although he has not been too critical of this and other not-so-pressing issues.

"It's good to have some things that maybe aren't quite as serious. Got to have a little levity," the governor said.

A similar bill in Virginia, aimed at rubber trailer hitch replicas of human genitalia, died in committee this year.

Read the rest here. Personally, I think they're disgusting, but should they be banned? Nah. If you want to look like a white trash, redneck nimrod with questionable breeding, be my guest. That's one right that should be inalienable in this country - the ability to be as big an idiot as you want to be. It's one exercised by the majority of our population.

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