Wednesday, April 9, 2008

A rare victory for rationality

London has this awful "congestion charge," which is:

The London congestion charge is a fee for some motorists travelling within those parts of London designated as the Congestion Charge Zone (CCZ). The main objectives of this charge are to reduce congestion, and to raise funds for investment in London's transport system.
In other words, another tax under the guise of helping save the precious environment.

New York City's evil mayor Michael Bloomberg tried to do the same in NYC. No dice, thank God.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg's plan to charge drivers extra tolls to enter Manhattan's most congested neighborhoods earned him invitations to speak at such gatherings as the U.N. climate conference and raised his profile as he considered a presidential run.

But the plan died Monday when Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver in Albany announced his chamber wouldn't take up the proposal because of strong opposition within the conference dominated by New York City Democrats.

In a speech Tuesday at Georgetown University in Washington, the mayor shrugged off the defeat and said courage is needed in political leaders to take decisive action on the environment.

"It takes courage to ask people to change—even if it won't really cost them much. It is sad but it is true. Political leaders today are afraid of their constituents," he said in a speech at an environmental conference at Georgetown.

Read the rest here.

Like all bastard politicians, Bloomberg trots out this little nugget:

In lobbying for his plan, Bloomberg displayed a short fuse with anyone who didn't support the idea, painting opponents as "stupid" people who didn't care about the environment, progress and the health of asthma- afflicted children.
It's for the "children," damn you. And you're stupid if you don't believe that global warming, ahem, "climate change," is destroying the planet and putting us all in imminent danger.

Typical liberal. Bloomberg, you're a bastard. It's amazing that such stupid people like him and Ted Turner can become so rich and be so idiotic.

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