Monday, February 11, 2008

You're a liar, Kevin Hart!

In a way, I almost feel bad for this guy. Kevin Hart, the man who recruited himself. I guess.

What a minute, no, I don't.

He told perhaps the biggest whopper ever and got a press conference at his school announcing his school choice. It went down between Cal and Oregon, or so he said. He talked about how he and Coach Tedford were talking.

The big problem was, Tedford had never heard of the kid. There was no scholarship offer at all from either Cal or his other "choice," Oregon. The packed gym was all part of a lie. The two hats on the table. All a fabrication.

Can you believe the school fell for it? Where was his coach in all this? As a former prep guy in the newspaper biz, I can tell you that a high school coach is very, very involved in the recruiting process. That's why these big-time college coaches get in good with their high school counterparts. It's not something devious, mind you, but it allows college coaches to get the straight skinny on a guy. Is he a problem in school? Does he loaf in practice? Is he a clubhouse cancer? Being in good with the high school coach can save a collegiate coach a lot of grief down the road. Besides, to a lot of these players, their coach is a major father figure and his influence plays at least some role in where they decide to go to school.

So where was Kevin Hart's coach? He had to call bullshit on this press conference, didn't he? Instead, he allowed a farce to take place, courtesy of a kid who just wanted the adulation of recruiting hype.

Now, in the interest of honesty, I was very excited by Alabama's haul on the recruiting trail. Nick Saban (Satan if you're from Baton Rouge) earned his $4 million a year and then some. I jumped for joy and immediately texted my best friend after Julio Jones committed to the Tide. Is this kind of constant interest in recruiting, albeit innocent, fueling this machine that made this Hart kid feel he had to lie to kick it, as Chris Rock said? I think Mitch Albom's got a point.

Mitch's column

The hype surrounding recruiting is as much responsible for this kid pulling this fabrication over the eyes of the school, the administration and his coach. I know he wanted attention and I don't blame him. That's why anyone tells little white lies. It becomes addictive. But I'm just amazed that his coach, parents or the school administration see the red flags raised by someone who took no official visits!

This whole screwy affair demands some videos. Huh, huh, huh, yeah, you're A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No substitute for Beavis and Butthead.

Original Rollins Band video

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