Monday, February 18, 2008

Some food for thought

The ride of the future thanks to Hildabeast
and Barak Obamination's calls for a 55 mpg AVERAGE by 2030

I'd like to dedicate this to all the children
I have some food in my bag for you
Not the edible food, the food you eat, no
Perhaps some food for thought
Since knowledge is infinite
It has infinitely fell on me, so um...
Erykah Badu
"Apple Tree"

In my daily perusal of the web, I came across two quotes that really hit home with our present situation.

The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.

– Norman Thomas, American socialist

By the mid-1930's, thanks to the New Deal, all that self-reliance had changed, prompting Mencken to declare: 'There is no genuine justice in any scheme of feeding and coddling the loafer whose only ponderable energies are devoted wholly to reproduction. Nine-tenths of the rights he bellows for are really privileges and he does nothing to deserve them.' Despite the billions spent on an individual, 'he can be lifted transiently but always slips back again.' Thus, the New Deal had been 'the most stupendous digenetic enterprise ever undertaken by man.... We not only acquired a vast population of morons, we have inculcated all morons, old or young, with the doctrine that the decent and industrious people of the country are bound to support them for all time. The effects of that doctrine are bound to be disastrous soon or late.'

When someone asked, "And what, Mr. Mencken, would you do about the unemployed?" He looked up with a bland expression. "We could start by taking away their vote," he said, deadpan. Mencken was not surprised when the majority disagreed. "There can be nothing even remotely approaching a rational solution of the fundamental national problems until we face them in a realistic spirit," he later reflected, and that was impossible so long as educated Americans remained responsive "to the Roosevelt buncombe.
"The Bad Boy of Baltimore" a biography of H.L. Mencken by Marion Elizabeth Rodgers. Page 409. Gleaned that from good ole boortz.

Now think about what our two Democratic candidates for President propose:
Hillary (from her official site):
The Same Choice of Health Plan Options that Members of Congress Receive: Americans can keep their existing coverage or access the same menu of quality private insurance options that their Members of Congress receive through a new Health Choices Menu, established without any new bureaucracy as part of the Federal Employee Health Benefit Program (FEHBP). In addition to the broad array of private options that Americans can choose from, they will be offered the choice of a public plan option similar to Medicare.

Most dumbasses will choose the government plan, folks. And you think the budget is bad at 3.1 TRILLION dollars. Imagine it when this evil Nurse Ratchet takes over. Even though she claims that:
Return to fiscal responsibility. After six and a half year of President Bush's fiscal irresponsibility, Hillary wants America to regain control of its destiny. She will move back toward a balanced budget and surpluses. Hillary believes that we should develop a set of budget rules similar to those we had in the 90s which required us to fund new expenditures with new revenues or cuts in other areas.
But if you look up above, she proposes socialized medicine and a Creating a $50 billion Strategic Energy Fund to jumpstart research and development of alternative energies. That's BILLION with a "B."

How can you return to "fiscal responsibility" when you're giving away other people's money left and right like a drunken sailor in Bangkok? This does not compute.
Of course, all of this largesse will be paid for by the evil rich and those nasty corporations via tax increases! As Karl Marx said, from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Wonderful!

How about Obama? Same thing. Just different wording:
Comprehensive benefits. The benefit package will be similar to that offered through Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), the plan members of Congress have. The plan will cover all essential medical services, including preventive, maternity and mental health care.

Of course, paid for by those evil rich. Of course. More tax increases are ahead.

Let us see: nationalized health care (one-seventh of our economy for those keeping score), the taking of the profits of the "evil rich" folks and "big oil," and tax credits (new Democrat codeword for income redistribution) for the "working class." And to top it all off, we'll all be driving around in Trabant-like shitbox deathtraps thanks to Hillary's 55 mpg mandate by 2030. Workers of the world unite!

Now how did we come to this, that two of our candidates for president are unabashed Euro-socialist weasels? Joseph Farah hits the nail on the head right here:

How we could even be debating ideas like this in the 21st century, after all of the climactic failures of socialism around the world, is amazing to me. But we're not really debating them. It seems we're not even capable as a people of debating them, reasoning over them, using our brains to consider them.

Americans may simply be too far gone spiritually, morally and intellectually to reject the temptations of socialism.

Socialism is antithetical to human nature, yet it has great appeal to the human mind.

See the rest of that brilliant column here.

I think the real reason we're at this point is that the stupid folks have outbred the intelligent ones. No rational person, considering that the dustbin of history is laden with the cautionary tales of the evils of socialism, could even propose that we convert the greatest nation on Earth into another socialist slime pit of equal misery except for the elite (just as it was in the old Soviet Union.)

But look at what we watch: E! ESPN and other tripe. We breathless fawn over the disgusting, drug-addled antics and simple whorishness of Brittany Spears and Paris and Lindsay Lohan. We're not reading any more. The magazines in the Wal-Mart are all devoted to celebrity gossip. People that couldn't tell you the name of their congressman (mine is Jo Bonner) or that it was Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves know everything that George Clooney pontificates or that the Greenland glaciers are melting away, soon to flood our coast cities into oblivion like the Day After Next Week, or whatever that stupid climate change propaganda film was named. They think the Daily Show is a great news source. Mike Judge's movie Idiocracy explained why our country is slouching toward the horrors of socialism perfectly:

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