It's hard to believe that a bedrock denomination like the Southern Baptists would make an asinine statement like this, thus giving the socialists more ammunition in their fight to ruin the world's greatest economy by playing our own guilt and fear.
Joseph Farah nails them.
There's a promise God gives us in the Bible that I would like my brothers and sisters in the Southern Baptist Convention to embrace. It comes in Genesis 8:22, and it clearly instructs us that God alone controls the world's temperature and climate, not man: "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."God is by His very nature, perfect. Why would he construct a world that we easily destroy by three hundred years of the Industrial Revolution? Three hundred years in the billions of years the Earth has been here isn't even a blip on the radar screen.
Great video that skewers Al Gore's stupid documentary that the Hollywood leftist scum couldn't trip all over themselves to hand him an Oscar for.
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