I am the lone voice of reason in a world gone mad with nanny state socialism, enviro-wingnuts and political correctness. Also news and views on the world of SEC football can be found here as well.
According to world's foremost authority on the environment, those who don't believe in man-caused global warming, ahem, "climate change" are no different than those who believe the Earth is flat and that the moon landings were staged on a Hollywood soundstage.
Confronted by Stahl with the fact some prominent people, including the nation’s vice president, are not convinced that global warming is man-made, Gore responds: "You're talking about Dick Cheney. I think that those people are in such a tiny, tiny minority now with their point of view, they’re almost like the ones who still believe that the moon landing was staged in a movie lot in Arizona and those who believe the world is flat,” says Gore. "That demeans them a little bit, but it's not that far off," he tells Stahl.
Remember this guy owns a "carbon offset" company and he has profited nicely from it. Remember this guy ran up an electrical bill on his primary residence in Tennessee that was as much as I make in a year. Do as I say, not as I do, right Al Gore? Right.
Speaking of carbon offsets and shell games, guess where Gore buys his carbon offsets? Well, he buys them from a firm call Generation Investment Management LLP, a tax-exempt U.S. 501(c)3 corporation. The chairman and co-founder is Al Gore. In other words, he buys his carbon offsets from himself. Others who buy these offset are really buying stock in Gore's growing business. You, too, can green up his portfolio, if not Earth itself.
The number of companies jumping into this market has multiplied. In 2006, at least 60 sold offsets worth about $110 million to consumers in Europe and North America in 2006, up from a dozen firms selling offsets worth $6 million in 2004. That's a lot of green.
Locations such as Madison, Wis., and Concord, N.H., endured their snowiest winter since records began, and parts of the western USA also saw a much snowier-than-average winter, according to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center.
The U.S. winter of 2007-08 — which meteorologists classify as the months of December, January and February — will go down as the coldest since the winter of 2000-01, with a national average temperature of 33.2 degrees, NOAA reported Thursday. Yet, despite the chill, the winter was still slightly warmer than the 20th-century average of 33.0 degrees.
Read the rest here. More snowfall here. And here. Yet he still claims there is global warming and it is the fault of man. Ha! That's just great timing on his part.
But there is some good news. A courageous congressman from Minnesota, Michelle Bachmann, has proposed a bill to reverse the ban on Thomas Edison's greatest invention, the incandescent light bulb. Bravo!
As an aside to Hillary's constant cavalcade of lies and Barak HUSSEIN Obama's continued support of his racist, anti-semitic preacher of 20 years, I was thinking about the worst music video of all time. Remember the music video? VH1 and MTV only show them in the morning. Don't get me started on the absurdity of MTV not having videos.
Now this one from Journey is pretty bad. Air guitar is okay, but air keyboards? And how about Steve Perry's severe hair? Love the checkerboard shirt!
This video ended Billy Squier's career. Love the pink getup and the dance he performs:
The 80s were a lot of fun. No internet, no text messages, bad hair, bad colors and a great president, Ronaldus Maximus. I miss 'em. Even if some of the videos were horrific.
Bill isn't the only liar in the Clinton clan. Hildabeast has told her share of whoppers. Dick Morris, her former advisor who knows her all too well, has a list of them:
Admitted Lies
• Chelsea was jogging around the Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001. (She was in bed watching it on TV.) • Hillary was named after Sir Edmund Hillary. (She admitted she was wrong. He climbed Mt. Everest five years after her birth.) • She was under sniper fire in Bosnia. (A girl presented her with flowers at the foot of the ramp.) • She learned in The Wall Street Journal how to make a killing in the futures market. (It didn't cover the market back then.)
Whoppers She Won't Confess To
• She didn't know about the FALN pardons. • She didn't know that her brothers were being paid to get pardons that Clinton granted. • Taking the White House gifts was a clerical error. • She didn't know that her staff would fire the travel office staff after she told them to do so. • She didn't know that the Peter Paul fundraiser in Hollywood in 2000 cost $700,000 more than she reported it had. • She opposed NAFTA at the time. • She was instrumental in the Irish peace process. • She urged Bill to intervene in Rwanda. • She played a role in the '90s economic recovery. • The billing records showed up on their own. • She thought Bill was innocent when the Monica scandal broke. • She was always a Yankees fan. • She had nothing to do with the New Square Hasidic pardons (after they voted for her 1,400-12 and she attended a meeting at the White House about the pardons). • She negotiated for the release of refugees in Macedonia (who were released the day before she got there).
With a record like that, is it any wonder that we suspect her of being less than honest and straightforward?
Since the Clintons like Fleetwood Mac so much, I thought I'd add a video especially for them. I remember they liked "Don't Stop," a song off their famous album Rumours. I have a better suggestion as far as a Fleetwood Mac song for them:
Before you do anything else today, read this column by Ralph Peters of the New York Post. Everyone, both sides of the aisle, is skewered on the war. Thanks to Neptunus Lex for bringing this to the light.
As we reached the 4,000th service-member killed in action, I found myself disgusted with both the Bush administration and its irresponsible, cynical opponents. The slogan, "Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home," may be the most dishonest that ever intruded on American politics - but the war's original sponsors haven't rushed their own kids to the recruiting office, either.
With all-too-rare exceptions, our politicians, right or left, really don't give a damn about our troops. Polls matter, grunts don't.
Oh, the pols spout all sorts of rhetoric about how much they honor those in uniform, but they really only value our troops as tools of partisan policies or for photo ops.
Between the incumbent president and his would-be replacements, only one has served in uniform or had a son or daughter serve in uniform. If military service is so praiseworthy, why don't more pols encourage their own kids to sign up? I'll tell you why: They regard our troops as second-raters who couldn't get into Harvard Law or a master's program at Yale.
It's the Leona Helmsley approach to policy: Our troops are the "little people."
Powerful stuff. I always felt that way when was a Coastie. Like the endless dog and pony shows we were forced to endure. Like manning the rails of our cutter in the 98 degree Miami heat in tropical blue long for hours waiting for the VIPs to show up. People were passing out from the heat while the VIPs bullshitted in the a/c.
I'll get you my pretty...and your tax dollars too!
Hillary claimed that when she visited Bosnia, she was under sniper fire. Uhhhh, no.
I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base. But it was a moment of great pride for me to visit our troops, not only in our main base as Tuzla, but also at two outposts where they were serving in so many capacities to deactivate and remove landmines, to hunt and seek out those who had not complied with the Dayton Accords and put down their arms, and to build relationships with the people that might lead to a peace for them and their children.
In the week since that remark, which echoed other recent statements about her trip, several journalists - most notably Michael Dobbs of the Washington Post -- have found holes in what Sen. Clinton said. In particular, Dobbs said none of more than 100 contemporaneous accounts mentioned sniper fire and that the Associated Press reporter on the trip had no recollection of any weapons fire. Dobbs also reported that CBS news footage shows the then-First Lady walking calmly from the C-17 transport plane as well as a number of dignitaries -- in addition to the 8-year-old Emina Bicakcic, a Muslim girl who read a poem in English -- waiting there.
This isn't the first time and won't be the last when Hildabeast "stretches" the truth. How about those Rose Law Firm billing records that you claimed to not know the location of, yet they suddenly appeared out of the ether? How about you being named after Sir Edmund Hillary? It was just a misstatement. Right.
Air Force Lt. Gen. Buster Glosson, a John McCain supporter who ran the air attack in the first Gulf War, said, "It bothers me any time anyone running for the highest office in the land fabricates a story.
"That should bother any American, whether you're military or nonmilitary."
And this is a surprise, a Clinton lie?
The last military source sums it all up:
Another source, a former Army analyst who was stationed abroad when dignitaries visited, said, "You know, we have soldiers overseas now who are getting shot at by real bullets from real enemies who really want to kill them.
"Getting shot at by snipers is not something you forget - or make light of," he added.
"If getting shot at by sniper fire qualifies you to be president, then there are thousands of guys in the military right now who are way more qualified than Hillary Clinton to be our next president."
Couldn't have said it better myself. Comedian Sinbad also corroborates the lack of sniper fire.
Comedian Sinbad, who was also on the trip, told The Washington Post his biggest worry was where he was going to get his next meal.
I like pleasure spiked with pain and music is my aeroplane, It's my aeroplane, Songbird sweet and sour Jane and music is my aeroplane, It's my aeroplane pleasure spiked with pain, that mother*****'s always spiked with pain.
Aeroplane The Red Hot Chilli Peppers
Just when you get some happy news, some sad is sure to follow. Former Alabama great Victor Ellis is dead at 28 from a rare form of cancer.
Story is here. Ahmad Galloway, his former teammate, put together a foundation to help raise money for Victor's treatment.
Victor Ellis's life on this earth ended Tuesday night March 25,2008 around 10:30 P.M. The many messages and prayers sent to Victor through this website meant more to him than words can express. He received all of these messages over the computer and also had a book made with all of your words of encouragement. He fought his battle with cancer the same way he lived his life, with courage and character. Today he has won the battle; he is pain free, cancer free, and sitting in Heaven with that beautiful smile on his face. We Love You and we will Miss You Victor!
Remember, tomorrow is promised to no man. Seize the day. Don't put off what can be done today.
Jay Barker, the winningest quarterback in Alabama history (35 wins, 2 losses and 1 tie), is getting married to the damned fine Sara Evans.
What a mega-pimp!
Jay has always been a favorite of mine. He led Alabama to the 92 championship and was the very epitome of the "game-manager" quarterback. He didn't have the biggest arm or the quicks, but he was a leader, a clutch player and he didn't make mistakes. At all.
Barker played in one of the greatest Tide wins ever in '94 in Bryant Denny against Georgia and he drove Alabama down the field for Michael Proctor's game-winning FG, 29-28. It was one of the greatest mano-y-mano QB duels, with Eric Zeier on the Georgia side in SEC history.
I read this little story this morning and I just about spat my coffee through my nose. Check out the attitude of this British family, where no one has had a job in THREE generations. Three whole generations that have been raised on welfare.
Their attitude is disgusting.
All ten members of the clan share a council house and live off benefits amounting to around £32,000 a year. And very happy they are, too.
Matriarch is grandmother Sue McFadden, 54. "Our neighbours are so snobby - they call us the "Shameless" family and say that we ought to go out to work. But how can we work when we have all these children to look after?
"The only problem is," she says without a hint of irony, "that we're living in a three-bedroom council house, which is ridiculous.
"I'm asking the council for a ten-bedroom home for all of us. We need more space. It's awful sometimes when all the children are squabbling. Still, we do have a big TV with Sky, but we need some relaxation."
What leeches! But here is the more startling statistic:
But the really disturbing aspect of the McFaddens' lifestyle is that they are far from alone. Six million Britons are living in homes where no one has a job and "benefits are a way of life", according to a report by MPs. Shock figures also revealed that 20,000 households in Britain are pocketing more than £30,000 a year in state benefits.
With thousands of children growing up in families where their parents and grandparents have never worked, a senior government adviser warned this week of a "terrible legacy" of youngsters who had no expectation of ever getting a job.
Typical liberalism. And we the hard-working folk have to pick up the tab for these scofflaws, generation after generation? I think not. This disgusts me. But hey, when people are given an easy way out, they'll usually take it. Who cares if you're using the government to steal for you to support your life of indolence? What happens when Atlas shrugs and says no more?
It's stories like these that make it not surprising that Britain, once the world's premier power, is just now a second-rate country that spends billions upon billions of pounds on supporting worthless, lazy good-for-nothing pieces of excrement like these. They withdrew east of the Suez, thus ending the British Empire, and replaced it with a cradle-to-grave welfare state that creates a dependent underclass of human debris like these folks.
Scroll down and check out the comments at the end of the story. I'm not the only person who views this family of parasites this way:
No wonder this country is in such a shambles with people like this leeching of the hard-working taxpayers. Think of all the money that could be better spent on the NHS, education or care for the elderly if we weren't throwing it at these lazy, useless scroungers. Makes me sick!
- S.E., UK
And they wonder why England going to the dogs !
- Susan, Spain
It's funny that these groups of welfare parasites would create similar cultures. In the U.S., you have the gangsta culture that encourages violence, misogyny, drug use and crime. Not to mention the idiotic trends of ghost riding and dubs, which then gave us rent-a-rims. On the white side, you've got the white trash lifestyle of meth, trailers, jacked-up pick-em-up trucks and violence.
In England, it's called the Chav culture and it is similar:
Habitual, willing, unemployment,
Truancy (if of school age)
Underage sexual activity, particularly if resulting in underage pregnancies,
Promiscuity and children conceived in casual relationships,
Assault or incitement to violence, including so called Happy slapping and co-ordinated intimidation.
This is what we sow when we are forced to support those who would not support themselves. Generations upon generations of folks with their hands out. Disgusting.
And politicians on the left pander to these folks with promises of more handouts from your hard-earned tax dollars. Vote for me and you'll get more free goodies taken from the evil rich. Gotta love liberals.
Remember what happened on this day back 2,000 years ago. A man who made a simple choice to suffer greatly for the sins of all mankind.
He chose the nails.
There could be no resurrection without crucifixion. Think about how painful this was for a second.
The condemned is forced to lay on his back with arms stretched out across the horizontal portion of the cross known as the patibulum.
The Roman legionnaire feels for the depression at the front of the wrist and drives a heavy, square, wrought iron nail through the wrist and deep into the wood. He repeats this on the other side of the patibulum.
The left foot is pressed backward against the right foot, and with both feet extended, toes down, a nail is driven through the arch of each, leaving the knees moderately flexed.
The cross is then lifted into place and dropped into the hole prepared to receive it with the force of gravity ripping the wounds of the victim as he plunges to the forceful stop at the end of the hole.
As he slowly sags down with more weight on the nails in the wrists, excruciating, fiery pain shoots along the fingers and up the arms to explode in the brain – the nails in the wrists are putting pressure on the median nerves.
As He pushes Himself upward to avoid this stretching torment, He places His full weight on the nail through His feet.
Again, there is the searing agony of the nail tearing through the nerves between the metatarsal bones of the feet.
As the arms fatigue, great waves of cramps sweep over the muscles, knotting them in deep, relentless, throbbing pain.
With these cramps comes the inability to push Himself upward … air can be drawn into the lungs, but cannot be exhaled.
He would fight to raise Himself in order to get even one small breath.
Finally, carbon dioxide builds up in the lungs and in the bloodstream and the cramps partially subside.
Spasmodically, He is able to push Himself upward to exhale and bring in the oxygen.
Hours of this limitless pain, cycles of twisting, joint-rending cramps, intermittent partial asphyxiation, searing pain as tissue is torn from His lacerated back as He moves up and down against the rough time.
Finally, a deep crushing pain deep in the chest begins as the pericardium slowly fills with serum and begins to compress the heart.
Because of the loss of fluid, the compressed heart is struggling to pump heavy, thick, sluggish blood into the tissues – the tortured lungs are making a frantic effort to gasp in small gulps of air … until it's over.
23:33 And when they were come to the place, which is called Calvary, there they crucified him, and the malefactors, one on the right hand, and the other on the left. 23:34 Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots. 23:35 And the people stood beholding. And the rulers also with them derided him, saying, He saved others; let him save himself, if he be Christ, the chosen of God.
Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34) Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise. (Luke 23:43) Woman, behold your son: behold your mother. (John 19:26.) My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34) I thirst. (John 19:28) It is finished. (John 19:30) Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. (Luke 23:46)
Even after all that pain, after being scourged, mocked, spat upon and betrayed, Jesus managed to utter verse 34.
So think about that when you're going about your daily life. Think about why He chose the nails.
My memories of Good Friday are that my grandfather always planted his garden on this day every year. I always assumed some mystical reason for this, but his reasoning was simple.
There are no frosts in Mobile, Alabama after Good Friday.
The Jeremiah Wright tapes have been a godsend to the blogosphere and to think they were brought to us by the no-friends-of-freedom Huffington Post!
Joseph Farah nails Obama on his pathetic attempt to deflect the firestorm stirred up by the words of his preacher of 20 years.
Well, that would explain why he chose to join the black church, but why Jeremiah Wright's particular church?
"It was because of these newfound understandings that I was finally able to walk down the aisle of Trinity United Church of Christ on 95th Street in the Southside of Chicago one day and affirm my Christian faith," Obama said. "It came about as a choice, and not an epiphany. I didn't fall out in church. The questions I had didn't magically disappear. But kneeling beneath that cross on the South Side, I felt that I heard God's spirit beckoning me. I submitted myself to His will and dedicated myself to discovering His truth."
Obama recognizes that was a significant decision, one that shapes the way he sees the world and responds to it.
"That's a path that has been shared by millions upon millions of Americans – evangelicals, Catholics, Protestants, Jews and Muslims alike; some since birth, others at certain turning points in their lives," he said. "It is not something they set apart from the rest of their beliefs and values. In fact, it is often what drives their beliefs and their values."
I couldn't agree more.
Barack H. Obama's most basic beliefs and values were either shaped or affirmed in Jeremiah Wright's pulpit in the Trinity United Church of Christ. There is simply no way around that. Barack H. Obama told us so himself not that long ago.
Exactly five years ago, an international coalition of troops led by the U.S. invaded Iraq, overthrowing Saddam Hussein's tyrannical dictatorship in just three weeks. Since then, Iraqis have voted in free democratic elections to seat a representative parliament; Saddam and several of his henchmen have been tried and convicted in public war crimes trials; and a bloody insurgency fomented by al Qaeda in Iraq is in retreat after a surge of U.S. troops and a shift to more aggressive counter-insurgency tactics. Analysts at the Media Research Center have studied TV news coverage of the Iraq war from the beginning, even before the first bombs fell on Baghdad in March 2003. The record shows the networks have trumpeted bad news — setbacks for the U.S. coalition and allegations of misdeeds by American troops — while minimizing good news such as the success of the 2007 troop surge and acts of heroism by U.S. soldiers.
Yet Obama and Hillary would both retreat, or in their ridiculous words, REDEPLOY. Right.
From Hillary:
Starting Phased Redeployment within Hillary's First Days in Office: The most important part of Hillary's plan is the first: to end our military engagement in Iraq's civil war and immediately start bringing our troops home. As president, one of Hillary's first official actions would be to convene the Joint Chiefs of Staff, her Secretary of Defense, and her National Security Council. She would direct them to draw up a clear, viable plan to bring our troops home starting with the first 60 days of her Administration. She would also direct the Department of Defense and the Department of Veterans Affairs to prepare a comprehensive plan to provide the highest quality health care and benefits to every service member -- including every member of the National Guard and Reserves -- and their families.
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months. Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. He will keep some troops in Iraq to protect our embassy and diplomats; if al Qaeda attempts to build a base within Iraq, he will keep troops in Iraq or elsewhere in the region to carry out targeted strikes on al Qaeda.
Read more of this daftness here. Hey, Obama, al Qaeda is already in Iraq silly! Amazing the stupid lengths this idiots will go to appease the angry, anti-war Moonbats in their ranks.
I've got to hand it to Obama. That was a well-delivered, well-crafted speech on race.
This was a good line that showed he wasn't backing down here:
On one end of the spectrum, we’ve heard the implication that my candidacy is somehow an exercise in affirmative action; that it’s based solely on the desire of wide-eyed liberals to purchase racial reconciliation on the cheap. On the other end, we’ve heard my former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, use incendiary language to express views that have the potential not only to widen the racial divide, but views that denigrate both the greatness and the goodness of our nation; that rightly offend white and black alike.
But my question is: what does it say about your judgment when you remain in those pews even though you don't agree with the man's disgustingly bigoted political beliefs? Either the man is a pretender, who joined Trinity to get the black vote out for himself, or he really believes that tripe.
But all this aside, this man is not the man you want answering the phone at 3 a.m. He's never been an administrator at a business or even in government. He was a civil rights lawyer and a state legislator before coming to the Senate.
He's a classic socialist, who wants to grow the entitlement culture and confiscate more of your tax dollars.
But it's here where he shows what an idiot he really is. Read this and you'll be startled by his naivete. I certainly was.
He speaks of delaying weapons systems and cutting waste. Our procurement of new weapon systems to replace 30-40 year old systems like the F-15, F-16, M-1A2 Abrams tank, Ticonderoga class cruisers and others has lagged behind needs for years, thanks to that idiotic "peace dividend" that just went to buy more votes and anti-defense efforts of Bush-Clinton. So what are our warfighters supposed to fight with, rocks and swords? With oil-rich Russia prowling and growling again and China clearly on the move, this is no time to reduce our military. Especially not in a time of war? Has he forgotten that we are in the GWOT? Oh that's right, he'll go to Iran, meet with them. He'll got talk it out with Kim Jong Ill. Sure. It worked for Bill Clinton. He gave those Norks a NUCLEAR reactor. Yeah, stop your nuke program and we'll just give you a REACTOR, food aid and fuel! How does that make any sense?
As far as cutting "waste," what does he define as "waste?" Defense, while not perfect, is much better than the rathole that mediscare money is being flushed down at an alarming rate. A friend of mine who was a case worker told me of the widespread waste he witnessed. Imagine that in every city in the country and you see why the government is well on the way to fiscal collapse.
The best way to fix procurement woes and cost overruns is this: make sure that the companies give an honest bid that reflects built-in adjustments for inflation and other factors and ban generals and admirals from being hired by defense companies after their tours of duty end. I think these two steps would largely curb the excesses in these areas.
He spoke of not weaponizing space. What if the Chicoms do that? I'm sure they're glad you're not doing it. Way to play poker, numbnuts. Tell your opponent exactly what you WON'T do it.
Nuclear free world. Now this is the dumbest statement of the lot. Are you going to waltz over to India and Pakistan and get them to give up the bomb? Yeah, they'll listen. NOT! Only one country has developed the bomb and gave it up voluntarily: South Africa.
We can not and will not. Like gun control, it sounds good on paper. But in a nuclear free world governed by international law, only dangerous scofflaws will have nukes. Not good.
Just like in gun control where only the government (bad) and criminals (worse) will have guns.
But he's another Jimmy Carter. A naive bastard who thinks the world works one way, when in fact, it works quite another. He's a classic idealist in foreign policy, which is defined as:
Idealism in international relations usually refers to the school of thought personified in Americandiplomatic history by Woodrow Wilson, such that it is sometimes referred to as Wilsonianism, or Wilsonian Idealism. Idealism holds that a state should make its internal political philosophy the goal of its foreign policy. For example, an idealist might believe that ending poverty at home should be coupled with tackling poverty abroad. Wilson's idealism was a precursor to liberal international relations theory, which would arise amongst the "institution-builders" after World War II.
Idealism is also marked by the prominent role played by international law and international organizations in its conception of policy formation. One of the most well-known tenets of modern idealist thinking is democratic peace theory, which holds that states with similar modes of democratic governance do not fight one another. Wilson's idealistic thought was embodied in his Fourteen points speech, and in the creation of the League of Nations.
Idealism transcends the left-right political spectrum. Idealists can include both human rights campaigners (traditionally, but not always, associated with the left) and American neoconservatism which is usually associated with the right.
Whereas many on the right are believers in the school of Realpolitik.
Realpolitik (German: real ("realistic", "practical" or "actual") and politik ("politics")) refers to politics or diplomacy based primarily on practical considerations, rather than ideological notions. The term realpolitik is often used pejoratively to imply politics that are coercive, amoral, or Machiavellian.
In Realpolitik, nations have and pursue vital national interests, like for example, the continued flow of inexpensive oil is a vital national interest to the U.S.
Bush has been a combination of both, to his peril. The Iraq War, I'd argue, is an example of the former rather than the latter. If the Iraq War was fought under the philosophy of Realpolitik, we would have simply replaced Saddam with another dictator friendly to our interests as a counter to Iran instead of trying to pacify the country, stamp out the insurgency and make it a democratic state.
I always was a big fan of Miami Vice. Cool show with a dark edge, bright colors, best music of the 1980s, Don Johnson, the very cool Phillip Michael Thomas and lots of gun play.
Now you can watch it anytime along with other shows that aren't even on reruns anymore here.
I categorically denounce any statement that disparages our great country or serves to divide us from our allies. I also believe that words that degrade individuals have no place in our public dialogue, whether it’s on the campaign stump or in the pulpit.
Barak Obama statement on Jeremiah Wright.
But Barak HUSSEIN Obama, why didn't you say this a month ago? Two months ago? Four years ago? Ten years ago?
Part of what we’re seeing here is Rev. Wright represents a generation that came of age in the ’60s. He is an African American man who because of his life experience continues to have a lot of anger and frustration and will express that in ways that are very different from me and my generation partly because I benefited from the struggles of that early generation. And so part of what we’re seeing here is a transition from the past to the future and I hope that our politics represent that future.
Obama said on MSNBC on Friday night.
No, I don't think you get off that lightly. In the top video in my first post on this bigot, he keeps barking at Sean Hannity about liberation theology, about what books he has read on the subject, etc. etc. etc. For those who have no idea what liberation theology is, according to Wiki:
Liberation theology is a school of theology within Christianity, particularly in the Catholic Church. Liberation theology focuses on JesusChrist as not only the Redeemer but also the Liberator of the oppressed. It emphasizes the Christian mission to bring justice to the poor and oppressed, particularly through political activism. Some elements of certain liberation theologies have been rejected by the Catholic Church.
Liberation theologians have been influenced, in varying degrees, by aspects of Marxism such as some versions of dependency theory and the concepts of alienation, surplus value, class struggle,and socialism. But they have not been slavish devotees of Marx, nor have they ignored other significant secular movements such as Freudianism, existentialism, and phenomenology. Still, although it is now being used with increasing reservation, Marxism still retains a measure of vitality in liberationist thinking, and the influence of Marxism has distorted the socioeconomic outlook of liberation theology.
In other words, our friend, the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright, is just another in a long line of Marxists who twist the word of God into Bolshevik tripe. In the end, it has nothing to do with God as the Supreme Being, but the State.
And Obama is only distancing himself from this nutburger just NOW? Not after the first year or so?
Joseph Farah, who swings the sword of truth better than most, nails the sonuvagun right here.
Last night, after days of public revelations of what his pastor believes and preaches, the heat finally got too great and Obama was forced to distance himself from his longtime spiritual mentor. But the political necessities of the moment aside, what does it tell us about Obama and his candidacy that for 20 years he and his wife have been following this raving lunatic? He either has no judgment, no discernment, or he tacitly agrees with the filth he has been listening to preached from the pulpit for the last two decades.
Imagine yourself sitting in church on Sunday and hearing some of the above. What would you do? Would you continue attending such a church? Would you choose it as the place to get married? Would you choose this pastor as the one to baptize your children? Would you be a member for two decades? Would you dedicate your book to him? Would you appoint him to a leadership position in your campaign?
That's what Barack Obama did, as amazing as that may seem.
Hal Lindsey has this to say that sums up my feelings on this sudden rush by the Obama camp to try to put a bandaid on this festering sore of racism and hatred.
One of the reasons there are as many denominations within Christianity as there are is because people tend to congregate with like-minded believers under the teaching of a like-minded pastor.
That isn't to say all members agree on all things, but they agree with more things than they disagree, or else they move on to another church.
Jeremiah Wright married Barack Obama and his wife. Rev. Wright baptized both of his daughters. Obama credits Wright with leading him to Jesus. He has sat under Wright's teaching on morality, religion, race and politics for 20 years, but claims it is irrelevant to his campaign for the highest office in the land.
What does this say about what Barak HUSSEIN Obama and his wife, who has already made several anti-American statements on the record, really believe?
Oh, and I forget what the good book has to say about it:
Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? 16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you. Corinthians 6:14
Hillary just got a royal flush to drop on the river card. I'm sure she was well aware of Jeremiah Wright's unbelievably racist rhetoric and now, she's set to take advantage.
Racist? Try this on for size.
The government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people,” he said in a 2003 sermon. “God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.
The "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright
More can be found here. This guy is about three croutons short of a salad. How can white people vote for a man whose pastor of 20 years hates them virulently? Sure, Obama repudiates his words NOW, but why not a month, a year, or four years ago? Remember, this hatemonger married Barak and Michelle and baptized his children! He had to be in those pews for some of these hate-filled rants, right?
How about this one, where he blames US for 9/11?
We bombed Hiroshima, we bombed Nagasaki, and we nuked far more than the thousands in New York and the Pentagon, and we never batted an eye," Rev. Wright said in a sermon on Sept. 16, 2001. "We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America's chickens are coming home to roost
I'd like to dissect this point by idiotic point. For one, Wright, did you not forget Pearl Harbor? While the war was largely over, Japan was not going to surrender. The atomic bombs, though horrible, saved thousands of American lives lost in an invasion of Japan. State terrorism against the Palestinians? What about the rockets and the bombs of Hamas? For starters, there are no "Palestinian" people. Don't exist. They're Arabs, yet they've been used by their brethern as a battering ram against Israel. Israel didn't steal their land. Before the Jews arrived, "Palestine" was a desert. It was only after the arrival of the Jews that "Palestine" became a distinct nation and people, which, by the way, according to Hamas, consists not just of the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, but of all Israel proper.
Black South Africans? Does this Piled Higher and Deeper not know that we had an arms embargo on South Africa during Apartheid? Duh.
Sen. Obama told the New York Times he was not at the church on the day of Rev. Wright's 9/11 sermon. "The violence of 9/11 was inexcusable and without justification," Obama said in a recent interview. "It sounds like he was trying to be provocative," Obama told the paper.
Well, Barak, at least you're honest about something: he was definitely seeking to provoke. Hatred, that is.
Jesus was a poor black man? He was Jewish, dude. This guy rails against bigotry, yet, he hates "rich white people." OK. All righty then.....
There's even more from this idiot. The Wall Street Journal has a story in today's edition. The AP and Reuters? Nada. Zip. Nothing. Guess they can't let their messiah be tarred and feathered by the evil hate speech (love using that liberal p.c. term against them) coming from his pastor of 20 years.
"We've got more black men in prison than there are in college," he began. "Racism is alive and well. Racism is how this country was founded and how this country is still run. No black man will ever be considered for president, no matter how hard you run Jesse [Jackson] and no black woman can ever be considered for anything outside what she can give with her body."
Mr. Wright thundered on: "America is still the No. 1 killer in the world. . . . We are deeply involved in the importing of drugs, the exporting of guns, and the training of professional killers . . . We bombed Cambodia, Iraq and Nicaragua, killing women and children while trying to get public opinion turned against Castro and Ghadhafi . . . We put [Nelson] Mandela in prison and supported apartheid the whole 27 years he was there. We believe in white supremacy and black inferiority and believe it more than we believe in God."
His voice rising, Mr. Wright said, "We supported Zionism shamelessly while ignoring the Palestinians and branding anybody who spoke out against it as being anti-Semitic. . . . We care nothing about human life if the end justifies the means. . . ."
Concluding, Mr. Wright said: "We started the AIDS virus . . . We are only able to maintain our level of living by making sure that Third World people live in grinding poverty. . . .
Read the rest here. We invented the AIDS virus? What a friggin' looney!
This is guy is a certifiable nut burger, yet, Obama's statement on this is laughable at best and a disgusting dodge at worst.
Sen. Obama has said repeatedly that personal attacks such as this have no place in this campaign or our politics, whether they're offered from a platform at a rally or the pulpit of a church. Sen. Obama does not think of the pastor of his church in political terms. Like a member of his family, there are things he says with which Sen. Obama deeply disagrees. But now that he is retired, that doesn't detract from Sen. Obama's affection for Rev. Wright or his appreciation for the good works he has done.
Doesn't think of his pastor in political terms? Barak HUSSEIN Obama, the dude works for your campaign. Works for it!
Wright is a member of Obama's African American Religious Leadership Committee — the sort of largely honorary, advisory body that in recent days has recently been used mostly to throw people off who say controversial things.
He violates his tax-exempt status every Sunday, like in the video above, stumping for you. Since he's been your preacher for 20-plus years, your spiritual advisor and even gave you the title of your lame book, The Audacity of Hope, he is most definitely fair game in this campaign. Especially if he is going to be swearing you in if the idiotic 50 percent of the population elects this unknown, socialist president.
And we forget that Barak's biggest contributor, supporter and glad-hander, Antoin "Tony" Rezko, is on trial. Apparently, Rezko helped Barak get a nice discount on his mansion.
In a complicated but legal deal with Rezko, who bought a vacant lot next door to Obama's in Chicago, the senator was able to secure his own house at $300,000 below the asking price.
Just like with NAFTA, wink, wink, nod, nod, say no more, right Barak?
Chickens are coming home to roost, indeed.
With the corruption trial of one of Sen. Barack Obama's longtime friends and supporters set to begin Monday in Chicago, Ill., reform watchdogs say it will reveal the "cesspool" of Illinois politics in which Obama came of age and has said little about in his campaign for president.
Read more here. Why did it take the Mainstream Media this long to quit treating this guy with kid gloves and cover him as if he were any other candidate? He comes from a radical, anti-American background (need we add his mother was a hippie, enough said) and he is a product of the "cesspool" of Illinois politics in Chicago. Want to know how radical Barak HUSSEIN Obama is, read this story from Rolling Stone, no right-wing publication for sure.
This is as openly radical a background as any significant American political figure has ever emerged from, as much Malcolm X as Martin Luther King Jr. Wright is not an incidental figure in Obama's life, or his politics. The senator "affirmed" his Christian faith in this church; he uses Wright as a "sounding board" to "make sure I'm not losing myself in the hype and hoopla." Both the title of Obama's second book, The Audacity of Hope, and the theme for his keynote address at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 come from Wright's sermons. "If you want to understand where Barack gets his feeling and rhetoric from," says the Rev. Jim Wallis, a leader of the religious left, "just look at Jeremiah Wright."
That says it all folks. And he is seen as a messiah? I think not.
I'm a little disgusted these days. Gas prices are shooting through the roof and have gone straight to the moon. Food prices are going through the roof. It's almost reminiscent of the stagflation days of the 1970s.
And there is one big factor you can blame for both: ENVIRO-NUTS.
And Big Agribusiness. Hey, if the greenies can attach "Big fill-in-the-blank" to everything they hate, why can't I?
You can also blame the Federal government and their promotion of ethanol as an alternative fuel. What is ethanol made from? Corn. With the gas prices being so high and the federal government handing out mega-bucks to ethanol blenders, it's little wonder that wheat farmers are harvesting their crop and switching to corn. It's little wonder that dairy farmers are killing their cows and switching to corn.
Corn ethanol subsidies totaled $7.0 billion in 2006 for 4.9 billion gallons of ethanol. That's $1.45 per gallon of ethanol (and $2.21 per gal of gas replaced).
Even with high gas prices in 2006, producing a gallon of ethanol cost 38¢ more than making gasoline with the same energy, so ethanol did need part of that subsidy. But what about the other $1.12. Not needed! So all of that became, $5.4 billion windfall of profits paid to real farmers, corporate farmers, and ethanol makers like multinational ADM. Why is it the farm states put up with this?!
Where did those subsidies come from: 1. 51¢ per gallon federal blenders credit for $2.5 billion = your tax dollars. 2. $0.9 billion in corn subsidies for ethanol corn = your tax dollars. 3. $3.6 billion extra paid at the pump.
And with diminished supply, for those who actually paid attention in economics class, you get increased prices! That's scarcity.
Of course leftists don't think about you and me when they go on their great moral crusade to save the Earth from the likes of the evil, polluting American Empire and our evil, capitalistic system. We can't have the Earth turn into a big, burnin' ring of fire thanks to that fraud called Global Warming. Oh no.
Bakers are now lobbying Congress from the relief of higher wheat prices. If the damned market was allowed to do its job without interference, they wouldn't have to go before those corrupt bastards on the take from the ethanol lobby. Read more about this fleecing of America here.
Ethanol production has driven up the prices of corn-fed livestock, such as beef, chicken and dairy products, and products made from corn, such as cereals. As a result of higher demand for corn, other grain prices, such as soybean and wheat, have risen dramatically. The fact that the U.S. is the world's largest grain producer and exporter means that the ethanol-induced higher grain prices will have a worldwide impact on food prices.
The ethanol hoax is a good example of a problem economists refer to as narrow, well-defined benefits versus widely dispersed costs. It pays the ethanol lobby to organize and collect money to grease the palms of politicians willing to do their bidding because there's a large benefit for them -- higher wages and profits. The millions of gasoline consumers, who fund the benefits through higher fuel and food prices, as well as taxes, are relatively uninformed and have little clout. After all, who do you think a politician will invite into his congressional or White House office to have a heart-to-heart -- you or an Archer Daniels Midlands executive?
R. Lee Ermey as Gunny Hartman, "Full Metal Jacket"
Describes liberals and their obsession with all things green. They get to eat the jelly doughnut (having their precious little guilt assuaged) while everyone else gets to pay for it with higher prices across the board. It's not those evil rich corporations that pay dearly for your socialist schemes, but the little guy out there. Corporations like ADM (Archer Daniels Midland), the biggest maker of ethanol that profits handily and is in the pockets of everyone on Capital Hill, end up making out like bandits.
Guess we in the real world who really pay for the stupidity of liberals don't even get the common courtesy of a reach around. Thanks a lot! So drop your shorts as socialism and environmental whackoism (plus some corn farmers getting rich off that idiotic subsidy) have some fun at our expense and whisper BOHICA, BOHICA, BOHICA in our ears.
I'm going to be adding a permalink on the right-hand side of my blog, but this blog is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. It absolutely skewers leftist crackers.
One of the more popular white person activities of the past fifteen years is attempting to educate others on the evils of multi-national corporations. White people love nothing more than explaining to you how Wal*Mart, McDonalds, Microsoft, Halliburton are destroying the Earth’s culture and resources.
While the growth of multi-national corporations can be attributed to a number of complex social, economic and political factors, many white people prefer to take the word of two trusted sources: No Logo and AdBusters.
Published in 2000, No Logo has been responsible for more white person “enlightenment” than any book since the burning of the library at Alexandria. By reading this one magic book, white people are able to get a full grasp on the evils of multi-national corporations and then regurgitate it to friends and family.
What are these guys thinking? In spite of all the mounting evidence to the contrary (including this bitterly cold winter), the Southern Baptists have jumped on the global warming, ahem...uh...climate change bandwagon.
It's hard to believe that a bedrock denomination like the Southern Baptists would make an asinine statement like this, thus giving the socialists more ammunition in their fight to ruin the world's greatest economy by playing our own guilt and fear.
There's a promise God gives us in the Bible that I would like my brothers and sisters in the Southern Baptist Convention to embrace. It comes in Genesis 8:22, and it clearly instructs us that God alone controls the world's temperature and climate, not man: "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease."
God is by His very nature, perfect. Why would he construct a world that we easily destroy by three hundred years of the Industrial Revolution? Three hundred years in the billions of years the Earth has been here isn't even a blip on the radar screen.
Great video that skewers Al Gore's stupid documentary that the Hollywood leftist scum couldn't trip all over themselves to hand him an Oscar for.
To this guy, fundamentalist TV preacher John Hagee, the Catholic Church is the "Great Whore." And he's a big John McCain supporter. Just what McCain needed. More grief.
I agree with him on some points, like Israel and his views on witchcraft. But this anti-Catholic bigotry is unacceptable.
Adolf Hitler attended a Catholic school as a child and heard all the fiery anti-Semitic rantings from Chrysostom to Martin Luther. When Hitler became a global demonic monster, the Catholic Church and Pope Pius XII never, ever slightly criticized him. Pope Pius XII, called by historians 'Hitler's Pope,' joined Hitler in the infamous Concordat of Collaboration, which turned the youth of the [sic] Germany over to Nazism, and the churches became the stage background for the bloodthirsty cry, 'Pereat Judea'[14].... In all of his [Hitler's] years of absolute brutality, he was never denounced or even scolded by Pope Pius XII or any Catholic leader in the world. To those Christians who believe that Jewish hearts will be warmed by the sight of the cross, please be informed—to them it's an electric chair. (pp. 79-81)
The Roman Catholic Church, which was supposed to carry the light of the gospel, plunged the world into the Dark Ages.... The Crusaders were a motley mob of thieves, rapists, robbers, and murderers whose sins had been forgiven by the pope in advance of the Crusade.... The brutal truth is that the Crusades were military campaigns of the Roman Catholic Church to gain control of Jerusalem from the Muslims and to punish the Jews as the alleged Christ killers on the road to and from Jerusalem.
I get so tired of when the TV folks tell me that the American people are tired of the "mudslinging" and "negative campaigning." The recent comeback by Hillary proves this out. Her "3 a.m." spot was perfect.
It spotlighted Obama's rampant inexperience, considering he has done basically nothing in his limited time in the Senate. Also, the NAFTA issue helped as well.
In this vital campaign, Hillary was able to accomplish the ultimate goal of "negative" campaigning, spotlight the differences between you and your opponent, pitting his weaknesses against your strengths.
Now here's an example of why being "positive" doesn't work. The New Orleans mayoral election of 2006, where Mitch Landrieu ran against a piece of rottenness ripe for the plucking, Ray "Chocolate City" Nagin? The demagogue, the whiner, the ne'er-do-well?
Remember that Nagin made all sorts of avoidable blunders before and after Katrina? Read Douglas Brinkley's "The Great Deluge" to find out about how pathetic Nagin really was. An excerpt of this magnificent book is here.
Not even following the city's evacuation plan for those without transportation (school buses, anyone).
Waiting to issue an mandatory evacuation order because he feared a lawsuit. A lawsuit!
Among Nagin's chief concerns that day: that hotel owners—at the center of the city's $5 billion tourism trade—might be in a position to sue if their businesses were to be disrupted because of a mandatory evacuation. Instead of concentrating exclusively on the needs of the 112,000 citizens who didn't own cars and could not leave the area "voluntarily," instead of marshaling the personnel and deploying the resources necessary for confronting the storm, Ray Nagin stalled.
Instead of speaking to the frightened, hungry masses piled into the Superdome on his orders, Nagin hid when his city needed him the most.
Mayor Nagin decided to cloister himself in the Hyatt hotel, which loomed over the Superdome, a locale the mayor chose not to speak at, presumably fearing reprisals from evacuees enraged at what many perceived as his lax response to the hurricane—charges Nagin would vigorously refute, saying, "There was no way to pull [a speech] off. There was no megaphone system. There was no microphone." Many of the Hyatt's windows had blown out. The building swayed in the winds, a jagged, gaping monstrosity. He decided to make the hotel his Emergency Operations Center, virtually abandoning City Hall because his bodyguards had told him the Hyatt "was safer."
In the coming days, Nagin often divided his time between an office lair on the 27th floor, the 17th floor (where he had sleeping quarters), and the 4th floor (which had electrical power). While certain mayors in the storm's path were out and about, putting their lives at risk on Monday afternoon, raising morale and checking up on everything after Katrina's onslaught, Nagin was comparatively sedentary, getting the latest news courtesy of a hand-cranked radio straight out of The Waltons. To many, he appeared to be a commander stuck in his bunker.
Yet, he won! After all this evidence that he was the biggest horse's ass in the history of the Crescent City, he beat Landrieu because Landrieu refused to highlight Nagin's laundry list of inadequacies during the campaign. As a result, a man many thought dead in the water was re-elected. That and all of the folks bussed to polling places made sure that Nagin was elected.
So John McCain, attack away, no matter what the socialist big media tell you that the "people" want. Point out what the Democrat, ahem, I mean Socialist candidate has in store for the country. Let them know that all of the goodies they promise taken from the pocketbooks of the rich have serious consequences. That they will cut and run from Iraq. That they will retreat in the face of our many enemies like the power-hungry cowards they are. Or perish. It's all up to you.
More proof that global warming is a scam. Sea levels are going DOWN. Down like Paris Hilton. Not up. But down.
Al Gore, the chief high priest of global warming who says we have 10 years to save the planet, has some explaing to do. Haven't we heard that before, uh, Ted Danson, back in 1988? Yep. It's been 20 years and the Earth is going along just fine and dandy, last time I checked.
Remember Al Gore is nothing more than a two-bit huckster who has a product to sell: "carbon offsets" from a company he owns. Remember, this guy had a $30,000 electric bill.
Armed with Gore's utility bills for the last two years, the Tennessee Center for Policy Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.
"If this were any other person with $30,000-a-year in utility bills, I wouldn't care," says the Center's 27-year-old president, Drew Johnson. "But he tells other people how to live and he's not following his own rules."
Scoffed a former Gore adviser in response: "I think what you're seeing here is the last gasp of the global warming skeptics. They've completely lost the debate on the issue so now they're just attacking their most effective opponent."
Last gasp? This is classic liberalism on display. We are the elites. Do as we say, not as we do. Sounds like the Soviet Union, something that the socialists wish they could have here.
Hypocritical bastards. Can't even practice what they preach. Wonder what our friend Gore will say about the falling sea levels. Guess that's why they call it "climate change" now?
Barak HUSSEIN Obama is nothing more than a carrier of the same socialist tripe that has come down the pike from the busybody compassionate fascists of the left. There is nothing new here. He's just put a charismatic spin on the same old "I hate America, I hate the rich, redistribute wealth, I hate corporate America" crap that Democrats have spouted since the 80s. Hope, change are things Barak promises.
And can never deliver. His naivety and downright dangerous, unmasked hatred of his OWN country he wants to be president of is downright shocking. Think I'm kidding? This is what he had to say about it:
It's the same course that continues to divide and isolate America from the world by substituting bluster and bullying for direct diplomacy.
Or how about that bitch of a wife he has? She's just as positive. Hope and change my ass.
We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day. Folks are just jammed up, and it's gotten worse over my lifetime.
What we have learned over the past year is that hope is making a comeback. And let me tell you something – for the first time in my adult lifetime, I am really proud of my country. And not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change. And I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment.
Of course her little handlers tried to brush it off as a "misstep." No, she doesn't hate her country. No, not at all. We're just a bunch of bullies and thugs without which the world would be a better, more peaceful place. We're just a nation of racist, sexist homophobes, right? Right...
If we could just get to know the terrorists, Barak could work his magic with them, convince them to see his good intentions and they could sing Kumbaya together in a big circle jerk together.
Right. Newsflash, asshole, this is the real world. Those folks want to destroy us. Plain and simple. Regardless of whatever leftist, useful idiot is in the White House. It isn't going to matter and weakness as displayed by all three candidates (with the possible exception of McCain) will only embolden these assholes.
And what about the Chicoms? Or the now flush with cash Russkies, who are prowling and growling once again?
U.S. and South Korean fighter jets scrambled to turn back a Russian bomber that approached a U.S. aircraft carrier during training exercises, South Korean and U.S. officials said Thursday.
They're returning to the good old days of the Cold War. The enemies are howling at the gates and all we hear out of Barak HUSSEIN Obama and Hildabeast are jobs, global warming and universal health care. They want to turn our healthcare system into another version of Cuba's despite the fact our enemies are lining up against us. Way to have the blinders on, people. We already have health care for the poor: it's called Medicare and Medicaid. Why do we need more, especially since the government can't pay its bills as it is?
It' s hard to believe that it was 15 years ago that I arrived on Oct. 12, 1993 on a little spit of land sticking out into Delaware Bay called Cape May. I was a skinny little wimpy lad, not the boastful, proud, arrogant, muscular creature I am now. I was a mommy's boy then.
It might as well have been Cape Fear. I remember the sick, squishy feeling in my guts on that bus ride from the Philly Airport to Cape May. I also remember that company commander boarding and in the most loud voice (aside from my own) I've ever heard, yelling:
Thus began eight weeks of merriment, "pushups, situps and all that good stuff," and plenty of love and attention from the C.C's (drill instructors in Coastie speak). It was like summer camp, only more demented. You had to memorize the contents of this and keep it folded in your sock.
I came across this video on youtube and I think it gives a good taste of what it's really like.
The chief speaking is one I served with on the Big D, aka the White Needle of Death. Hilarious!
Here's another.
It's hard to believe this July 17, I will have been out for 10 years. 10 years! I remember running down that pier to the moving truck and waving goodbye to those three month cruises forever.
Guess the gas will be $4 this summer. Damnit! God I hate these speculators driving the price into the stratosphere, when supplies are at a 14-year HIGH. Where is this guy when we need him?
Brett Favre, the man with the rocket arm and way-cool stubble, won't be throwing passes (or snowballs) anymore. He decided to end his 17-year career, a surprising move considering that his team was young, under the salary cap and on the rise. Another Super Bowl run was a definite possibility.
But he just tired of the league, a league where preparation is everything. The work it took for Brett to get to Sunday (and Monday, his best night) became too much.
Some don't buy that. Some think that he retired because the Pack couldn't and wouldn't land free agent/awesome wideout/coach killer/sonuvabitch Randy Moss. I don't buy that for a second. Those who know football know the work required to get to Sunday. And I think Brett was talking not about the practice field, but in regards to the incredible amount of work that goes into being a great, not merely good player. Often times in the NFL, the guy who studies his film more carefully and gets the max out of the mental preparation (tendencies, etc.), tends to triumph, ala Tom Brady. I'm glad that Brett is honest enough to admit he's tired of these 70-hour weeks during the season and not just go on a victory lap without expending maximum effort.
Brett was always a love-hate thing with me. I've been a big fan of risk-adverse, game manager type QB's who make good, solid decisions because as statistics will show, winning the turnover battle and outrushing your opponent, no matter what gadget offense is in vogue, will get you a win 9 times out of 10.
Brett was a gambler, the guy who had a penchant for the oh shi....oh yeah! moment. It was exciting to watch, but sometimes, his infallible trust in his own arm got him in big trouble. Remember, this dude is the all-time interception leader and his last pass in the NFC championship game smacked of desperation.
Even with that, I still rate him as one of the top five best QB's of all time. And unlike Tom "Pretty Boy" Brady, he was a little rough around the edges, literally and figuratively. Early in his career, he nearly drank himself out of the league and Atlanta gave up on him. He's fought adversity and tragedy at every turn, yet in a league known as the "No Fun League," he was the antithesis of that outlook, throwing snowballs and pumping up his teammates.
I'm glad he's got all the passing records. But I'll miss magic Monday nights with Brett, a stage that he always shone on. I'll miss asking "what the hell did he see on that throw" every time he throws one of those head-scratchers like his final NFL pass. And I'll miss his self-aggrandizing celebrations every time he rifles one of those blistering fast TD passes he uncorks.
It's sad to see the players you grew up watching go away, as time inevitably rolls on. When the Michael Jordan/Clyde Drexler/Scottie Pippen/Patrick Ewing/Charles Barkley/John Stockton/Karl Malone/Hakeem Olajuwon generation left the NBA, I stopped watching. And I haven't really returned since. I don't think I'll stop paying attention to the NFL for this reason, but I think it just won't be as fun.